Saturday 26 January 2008

Girlfriend, you look fierce!

Okay, not exactly about underwear but related - Gok Wan, I like him, and I'm glad to say that I'm not the only feminist who does:  Read this article by Dawn Kofie

Apart from his over use of silly terms for breasts (definitely agree with Dawn on that one!) I think he's a good egg (like 'that took eggs' a la Bitch and Animal).  Mr Wan is Trinny and Susannah for people who don't like to be bullied into liking their lumps and bumps.  To be honest with you, the insecure 80% of me dreams of overestimating my body size from a line up and having Gok give my silly self a big hug when I'm overwhelmed by how not-fat I really am.  Fortunately the easily-embarrassed part of me will always prevent me from 'baring all' on channel 4!

The thing I like about How To Look Good Naked is that when a woman is being hoiked into posh body forming underwear, no one is saying 'you're husband is going to think you look so sexy' - and to be fair most of the partner's who are interviewed think the sexiest thing about their female loves is the confidence that they used to have in themselves.  I've been there - during the utterly loved up stage you seem to think that you're Aphrodite, then suddenly you're a pale blob of bumps and blemishes.  No one has said this to you, and your partner still professes to see the goddess of love, their sensually lit dream girl from a Bon Jovi video, but you're not convinced.

Watch Gok.  He's lovely, he says 'fierce' and pulls it off.  Imagine your own self there, without the cringeworthy gushing and intrusive video cameras.  Go forth and love

Monday 7 January 2008

Big pants save the day! Well you knew they would!

Zee sent me this fantastic story from The Times by Caitlin Moran about 'pantorexia', which starts by explaining how a pair of big pants was used to put out a frying pan fire, which I think is so smiling-inducingly fantastic, I had to share it.

You were probably think that we promised you homage to big pants and then disappeared off the radar, and well that's true due to unforeseen amounts of very busyness but please accept this wonderful story by way of apology!

Celebrate the fact that your pants cover your bum cheeks! Do not succumb to pantorexia! Yes I will admit I have the odd pair of 'genuinely tiny knickers' (much tinier than the leopard print number that Ms Jones professes to be so, I can tell you), bought on a whim because they were part of a set, or because they looked pretty, but I barely ever wear them! Some of them aren't very comfortable in general, and some I just don't wear because I need to sleep in comfortable pants and the eco-warrior in me won't let me make extra washing.

Comfort first, fire-fighting ability second, sexay-ness last last last (remember: feeling sexy and looking sexay ain't the same thing)!