Monday 7 January 2008

Big pants save the day! Well you knew they would!

Zee sent me this fantastic story from The Times by Caitlin Moran about 'pantorexia', which starts by explaining how a pair of big pants was used to put out a frying pan fire, which I think is so smiling-inducingly fantastic, I had to share it.

You were probably think that we promised you homage to big pants and then disappeared off the radar, and well that's true due to unforeseen amounts of very busyness but please accept this wonderful story by way of apology!

Celebrate the fact that your pants cover your bum cheeks! Do not succumb to pantorexia! Yes I will admit I have the odd pair of 'genuinely tiny knickers' (much tinier than the leopard print number that Ms Jones professes to be so, I can tell you), bought on a whim because they were part of a set, or because they looked pretty, but I barely ever wear them! Some of them aren't very comfortable in general, and some I just don't wear because I need to sleep in comfortable pants and the eco-warrior in me won't let me make extra washing.

Comfort first, fire-fighting ability second, sexay-ness last last last (remember: feeling sexy and looking sexay ain't the same thing)!

3 reflections:

Bast Spandangle said...

horray for big pants!

Anonymous said...


Saranga said...

my most comfortable pants are my man pants from h and m. I never knew material on your bum could feel so comfortable and fit so snug!